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Anxiety & Depression
People who haven't experienced anxiety often think it's simply worrying about everything, all the time but anxiety is actually so much more.
Anxiety can cause us to overthink things (ruminate and second guess ourselves - A LOT!) we can experience physical symptoms like breaking into a sweat, chest pain, increased heart rate and muscle tension. Anxiety often interrupts our sleeping patterns and often means our bodies simply refusing to co-operate, no matter what you know is rational.
Depression on the other hand can be appear through symptoms as mild as feeling tired, lacklustre or not wanting to get our of bed in the morning. Our brain can feel foggy and concentration can be difficult. It can show up as lacking enthusiasm to engage in tasks and activities that we used to enjoy. Depression often involves intense feelings of sadness or worthlessness and can be experienced as thoughts of wanting it all to just go away, harming ourselves or suicidal ideation.
If you or someone you know is finding it difficult to cope, book an initial free phone chat below...